CCA remains devoted to fostering the academic progression of each individual, a commitment that resonates within our private middle school program.

Within CCA’s private middle school program, students are empowered to cultivate the talents bestowed upon them by God. Through a comprehensive curriculum encompassing academics, community service, athletics, artistic expression, and a diverse range of electives, students are equipped to flourish in all facets of their development.

A Typical Day at CCA

Our middle school curriculum at CCA is designed to provide a well-rounded education, with students rotating through core subjects taught by specialized teachers in math, science, and language arts/reading. Nightly homework assignments are given to reinforce the lessons learned in class.

We are dedicated to fostering academic excellence. Each trimester, the majority of our middle school students achieve honor roll status, maintaining a B average or higher. Additionally, approximately one-third of our students earn our prestigious middle school merit scholarship by consistently achieving A+, A, or A- honor roll.

As one of Columbia’s premier private middle school programs, we prioritize the development of leadership qualities in our students.

In addition to their core classes, middle school students have the opportunity to explore elective courses. These elective offerings vary each year and may include subjects such as Sound & Light Production, Vocal Ensemble, Ukulele, Chess Strategy & Competition, Sports Talk, Kitchen Creations, Spanish (required), Art, and Computer Technology.

Our ultimate goal is for every student to graduate from CCA equipped with the heart and mindset of a servant leader, ready to make positive contributions in all aspects of their lives.

CCA’s Private Middle School Core Focus Areas:

  • Spiritual Growth
  • Academic Excellence
  • Service to Others
  • Personal Responsibility

See the difference in your child through the exclusivity of our private middle school.

At CCA, we foster academic rigor alongside community engagement, shaping well-rounded individuals through service and leadership opportunities. With small class sizes, we prioritize individual attention and foster growth, offering personalized learning experiences tailored to each student’s unique needs.

Middle school serves as a pivotal stage in a child’s academic and personal development, influencing their trajectory into high school and beyond. Our intimate class settings provide ample room for students to flourish, nurturing not just their academic abilities but also their social and personal growth. Through a positive and supportive atmosphere, we prepare students to confidently navigate the challenges of leadership, ethics, and academics in their future endeavors, ensuring they are well-equipped for the demands of high school and college.