With over 220 years of combined education and teaching experience, CCA has a great team of teachers working together to provide the best education possible for your children.
Our faculty works together as a team to provide students with the tools and support for academic success within the context of a Biblical worldview.
Nicki Messimer, Vice Principal
Brent Messimer, Director of Ministry Advancement/Enrollment Assistant | email=messimerb@cca-columbia.com
Jocelyn Craig, Kindergarten | email=craigj@cca-columbia.com
Amanda Summers, Kindergarten | email=summera@cca-columbia.com
Lindsey Barba, 1st Grade | email=barbal@cca-columbia.com
McKenna Gallagher, 1st Grade | email=gallagherm@cca-columbia.com
Barb Grindstaff, 2nd Grade | email=grindstaffb@cca-columbia.com
Kristin Schilb, 2nd Grade | email=schilbk@cca-columbia.com
Kelly Rees, 3rd Grade | email=reesk@cca-columbia.com
Lisa Reed, 4th Grade | email=reedl@cca-columbia.com
Jessica Trana, 5th Grade | email=tranaj@cca-columbia.com
Anne Hartle, 6th Grade/Middle School Science | email=”hartlea@cca-columbia.com
Mary Skyvalidas, 7th Grade/Middle School Language Arts | email=skyvalidasm@cca-columbia.com
Carolyn Summers, 8th Grade/Middle School Math | email=summersc@cca-columbia.com
Suzanne Roberts, Director of Early Education | email=robertss@cca-columbia.com
Summer Cain, Administrative Coordinator | email=cains@cca-columbia.com
Julie Rowden, Front Desk Extraordinaire | email=rowdenj@cca-columbia.com